This page was a sketch created live on our Sunday explorers call while we were talking about Ward's prototype of a Mech Plugin which aims to enrich wiki workflows with some automation that reduces the toil of those workflows.
This specific sketch is imagining something like template pages... using a naming convention for pages that provide instructions to a Mech Plugin as a way to enable wiki authors to write their own mech scripts.
Literate description goes here....
In this section, we speculated about other places we might extend the wiki client.
The Graphviz plugin includes a popup menu to offer the reader ways to download or expand the graph.
digraph { node [shape=box style="filled,rounded"] Main -> { One Two Three } }
The map plugin offers a control to freeze the location of an element collected dynamically.
PAGE Used a picture in the lineup to get a location on the map. Then froze this map item. And then removed the picture.
We imagine common behaviors that different plugins might offer. For example, both graphviz and map offer a notion of "freezing" but the user interfaces differ. The wiki client could have some notion of item decorators that offer cross-cutting behaviors like Download, Popup a bigger image, Freeze the dynamic content, and so on. One such common behavior might be to offer inputs or outputs for Mech automation.
The location in the map was frozen from a picture of this bike from Ward's page.
Note to self... Ward has some different wikis with photos with location data.
I leave the house about once a week to bicycle around the neighborhoods. I look for little trails I might have missed when I had more important places to go.
We list bicycles we have owned or used extensively and reflect on how we came to appreciate them. The list is roughly chronological. We include a couple of motorcycles because we only had two.